
#387: the sky seems to have sprung an unseasonal leak

Bertie, here- this is going to be quite a short email because I am having to bail out my mousehole at the moment using a small section of Edam rind and I can’t pause for too long because the tide is rising. And like Canute, I am confident that I can keep the water away. I really ought to find out how that story ends- the book my Great Aunt used to read to me when I was a young mouseling was missing the final page so I never got to hear what happened to his throne and his stockings in the end. Anyway, on with the news…

Morning Prayer is still happening every day- 8.30 on Mon, Wed and Thurs on Zoom, and 9am in person at St Paul’s on Tuesday and Friday. You will be very welcome.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the collection for the Church in Madagascar– we were able to send £525 to support the work of the Church there, which is an excellent outcome and will make a real difference to life and ministry there. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who has been helping with refreshments for the Art Show this week- it is on until the weekend so do pop in to look round if you haven’t been already.

Meditation Group 1pm for 1.15-1.45 Tuesday 8th August in St Paul’s.

Here is the latest Sonning Deanery Prayer Cycle…

Chris Cipkin is playing an organ concert on the evening of the 20th of August at 6.15pm- do put the date in your diary, and tell your friends, and come along.

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