#420: which is double 210. And four times 105.

Coming this weekend
Please do download the poster listing the main services and come along- and don’t forget that we start the Sunday service at St Paul’s School Car park at 9am where we begin our Palm Procession. Join us there if you can- and remember that the more you put into Holy Week, the more you get out.
Holy Week and Easter

If anyone would like to help with the shoecleaning in Wokingham Marketplace on Maundy Thursday between 10 and 12 that would be fab- please can you speak to Paul Armitage or Louise, in the office.
Church Cleaning
Holy Saturday (30th March) is the day when we have a BIG CLEAN and get the church ready for Easter. It would be lovely to have lots of people to help so, if you have a few hours to spare that morning, please could you come along anytime after 9.30am. We do have cleaning materials, but an extra broom might come in handy! Refreshments of hot cross buns and coffee will be provided. Thank you.
Please don’t forget that the services on Easter Day feature a cacophony of joyous noise– please do being along some instruments to bang and blow and hit- and if noise is likely to upset you, please tell a Sidesperson who can help you leave at the right time and then come and get you out of the porch after it is over.
Other notes and happenings
Wokingham Repair Café
Don’t bin it when you can repair it!
We are trying to encourage a sustainable environment and to support that we are asking everyone to think before disposing of items that would generally finish up as landfill. If you can extend the life of your electrical appliance, or your bicycle, or your lawn mower etc. you could make a significant impact on our world. To help with this Wokingham will be getting its own Repair Café where you can take along broken items that you can repair with the help of skilled volunteers. The first session will be on Saturday 13th April between 10am and 1pm. More information can be found on the website – https://wokinghamrepaircafe.uk/ . If you have a particular talent for fixing things, you might also consider volunteering to help at the repair café; a volunteer registration form can also be found on the website.
If you keep meaning to say that you would like to find out more about confirmation please let Richard or Louise know asap- the service will be on May the 19th at 6.15pm with Bishop Olivia at St Paul’s.
Don’t forget to sign up on the Parish Electoral Roll if you have been coming along for 6 months or more- it is a really important statement of belonging and membership. See Teri for more details- she will be at the back of Church on Sunday morning looking friendly.
There have been a lot of very successful fundraisers recently, for which many thanks to those who organised things and to those who gave so generously. The Cake Sale after Mothering Sunday which Esther and Erin organised raised £129 and the final total for the Lent lunch was £331 (cash and card) for our charities. What a fantastic sum … and great soup too!! Chris’ organ recital which came before the soup raised £441.
Please note that the Prayer Group meeting on Wednesday 20th of March is at Liz’s house: 10 Ashton Road. The meeting will also be at Liz’s next Wednesday, as per usual, but there will be no meeting the Wednesday after Easter (3rd April).
Bishop Olivia is inviting anyone ages 16 to 30 to go to Taize with her in the summer… Taize 2024: Pilgrimage for young adults Registration, Taizé, | Eventbrite
Esther and Becca are leading on these holidays in the summer for children and young people and would be very happy to tell you all about them… and how much fun they have… West Runton Holidays
And don’t forget Greenbelt 2024– it would be good to take a group of people from the parish along, whether they are camping, glamping, mobile home-ing or roughing it in a B and B. Greenbelt Festival – Greenbelt Please speak to a Lamey, a Weedon or Lynne Judge if you would like to know more! It is a great way of deepening your faith, hearing some great speakers and having a great weekend away.
The Lucky Numbers draw for March took place before the meeting of the PCC in St Paul’s Parish Rooms on Monday 18th March 2024. Congratulations to the lucky winners:
£50 No. 72 Mike Darlison
£25 No. 15 Brian and Jenny Perris
£15 No. 21 Vince and Lorraine Pearson
£10 No. 24 Jean Vaughan
The Lucky Numbers Draw raises funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. Funds remaining after the distribution of the prizes go to the Restoration Fund for this purpose. It is not too late to subscribe for 2024 – a number of vacancies for new joiners have arisen this year!
One share (number) costs £24 per calendar year; you can have as many shares as you wish, paying annually or monthly by Standing Order. For more information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or talk to Mary at St Paul’s, or Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’.
Ideas and suggestions
Bishop Steven gave a very impressive address at Diocesan Synod, explaining exactly why it is so important that we make our work with children and young people an absolute priority across the whole Diocese in 2024 and in every parish… Presidential address March 2024: Amplifying children and young people’s voices (youtube.com)