#419: the bus to Cleethorpes. Possibly.

The Rector here. I am not quite sure where Bertie is- I asked him if he was doing the email today because his fans and groupies were waiting and he just sent me this photo back, which suggests that the answer is… not. In fact, this could start a whole new publishing phenomenon- where’s Bertie? Which shop, service station or ferry is he at today? And if you’re very lucky and you find him he might even let you take a photo with him. Just don’t ask him to share his cheese with you because then he will turn vicious. And it’s not a nice sight. So, sorry about this, I know it’s not what you were hoping for- but you’re stuck with me this morning. Here is the news.
This Coming Weekend
This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of Lent. Services at 9.30, 10 and 11 as usual- the 9.30 Service features the baptism of Thomas Sutton (son of John and Pippa, brother of Teddy) so do please come along to support them, do feel invited to coffee and then back to their house for further jollity and celebration- please can you let them know if you are able to come back to theirs afterwards?
And then we have the next in our Sermon Series at Evensong at 6.15pm– Richard Terrado-Reardon has a fascinating story to tell. He is a therapeutic counsellor as well as a priest in the New Windsor Team and will be well worth hearing- as will the choir, and as is the beautiful liturgy of Evensong. And the refreshments are always excellent too- do come along, and do bring a friend. The theme of the series is God’s Masterpiece.
The Deanery Confirmation is at St Paul’s on May the 19th at 6.15pm- if you would be interested in being confirmed please can you let Louise or Richard know very soon so we can confirm details of the prep course? Thanks.
Also, Stations of the Cross happen for about 40 minutes in St Paul’s at midday every Friday in Lent. It is a moving and simple service and a special journey to be part of.
Thanks and gratefulnesses
Thank you to everyone who has responded to the current giving initiative to try to address the deficit budget we have had to set for 2024. There have been a lot of responses already and, while we don’t have figures yet from the Giving Scheme, we are really grateful for everybody who is thinking about it and engaging with things.
Thank you to everyone involved in a very good day in the parish last Saturday- Chris’ organ concert followed by the Lent Lunch organised by the social committee. Both were excellent and the fruit of a lot of time, commitment and planning- thank you all. Thank you too for Esther and Erin who organised last Sunday’s very popular cake sale to raise money for Church- yummy.
News and adventures
Holy Week starts on the 24th of March- do please put as many services in your diary as you can because Holy Week is a narrative and it builds and builds, and the more you put in the more you will get out of it. If you have never been to a midweek service before do try to come to Maundy Thursday or Good Friday as well as the Sundays. Do please check the service times etc in the attached poster- and think about anyone who has ever expressed any interest in Church and invite them along by giving them a poster and telling them which services you are going to and that you’ll pick them up.
If you would like to help to run the Messy Church style event on Good Friday from 10 to 12 please can you let Richard know this week? Thanks. And if you have children with you that day, put it in your diary now!
Table tennis happens every Friday night from 7.30 at Woosehill. I thought it would be lovely to take a group along from St Paul’s and St Nick’s one week in April- can you let Louise know if you are interested and which night you could do?
The APCM (Annual Meeting) is on the 28th of April in the early evening, and the next Parish Games Evening is on the 12th of May in the Parish Rooms. Do put both dates in your diary now!
The latest news from Madagascar…