#422: Easter Week Special

Bertie here- it turns out that the photo I took of lighting the Easter fire this year didn’t work because the cheese from the fondue which I had been gobbling down, using the conveniently provided bonfire, got on the lens of the camera- so this is a photo from a previous year instead and hopefully noone will notice- just colour in Fr Richard’s beard on the computer screen and noone will notice.
I had a great Holy Week- it was super to see so many people and to have such a range of different emotions and moods throughout the week. Huge thanks from me and the whole parish to those who worked so hard to make everything go as brilliantly as it did- cleaning, printing, organising, singing, livestreaming, playing, reading, putting together, helping etc. Thank you. It is a huge team effort and there is something remarkable and special about walking through Holy Week not only with Jesus but also doing it together. Thank you. Alleluia. Christ is Risen.
And here is the text of Bishop Steven’s recent address to Diocesan Synod on how important it is that we really invest in our work with Children and Young People: 240309_Presidential_Address_transcript_002_.pdf (mcusercontent.com)
Notes and Notices
A reminder that there are services at 9.30 and 10 this coming Sunday but there will not be an 11am at St Nick’s. Both services are Livestreamed but there will not be a robed choir or a Sunday School at St Paul’s this week.
It was great to hear that Hannah Higginson has been appointed to be the next Rector of All Saints, Wokingham. Hannah was on placement at St Paul’s when she was in training and has been a great friend of St Paul’s (and Bertie) ever since. We really look forward to her Licensing in July- congratulations to her and to the people of All Sts.
We hugely look forward to welcoming Bruce Ruddock, Chaplain to the King, on Sunday the 21st of April to preach the next sermon in the Evensong Series of “God’s Masterpiece.” 6.15pm. Do come!
Fr Richard wants: I went to my first Muslim Iftar on Easter Day in the Parish Rooms and had a super time. It was lovely to chat to a number of children I know from school assemblies and also to get to know some people from the local community, while celebrating with them and having thirds of the Algerian soup one family had brought to share. It was especially lovely to be celebrating with that community only a few hours after the St Paul’s congregation had been sharing Easter breakfast together. It was also lovely that, even though the group have outgrown our upstairs rooms and have moved on to the Cornerstone for their Friday prayers, they still come back.

Forthcoming Events
The next Table Tennis evening at Woosehill Church is the 12th of April at 7.30pm. Perfect for beginners and experts. Why not go along with a friend?
Wokingham Repair Cafe meets for the first time on the 13th of April at All Sts- wokinghamrepaircafe.uk/
The Annual AB Walker Memorial Service will be happening in Reading on the 21st of April:
APCM Sunday 28th April 2024 to be held in the Parish Rooms at 5pm.
This is your chance to hear what has been happening over the last 12 months.
At the meeting we will need to elect or re-elect two churchwardens for St Paul’s, two pro-wardens for St Nick’s, one Deanery Synod rep and up to eight PCC members.
If you are interested in becoming a PCC member, please speak to Lesley, Fr Richard or one of the churchwardens as soon as possible and complete a nomination form. PCC meetings are held 6 times a year on Monday evenings.
The papers for the meeting and the nomination forms are all available on our website and in hard copy at the back of church. Please consider whether you are called to stand, and also pray for the life and work of the PCC, its effectiveness, commitment and openness to the guidance of God.
We are hoping to run a course around Carbon Literacy on Thursday evenings in May in the Parish Rooms. Please can you let Louise Cole know this week if you would like to come along?
The next Parish Games Evening in the Parish Rooms will be on Sunday the 12th of May at 7pm. Why not come along as a Tithings Group- or come on your own- or with a friend?
A quote from a PMC Paper from before Covid, written by Fr Richard, which calls us back to our centre as a Church: “We long to become a Church which is more aligned with God’s longing for the community and the world, which knows what the Holy Spirit is saying and which is determined to be a thoughtful and attentive blessing to the world we are part of, following where Christ leads us in confidence and with joy. It is, above all, about listening to God’s answers and not rushing to add our own in too quickly. So make time. Be still. Breathe. And then listen. Remember. Who have you met or noticed today?”
CR – Discover more about yourself & deepen your relationship with God
CR is for anyone who would like to work through a hurt, a negative habit or hang up which is effecting their lives and keeping them stuck in some way.
CR has been running for 4 years on Wednesday evenings at Wokingham Baptist Church, but people from other churches and no church have joined the group from the start. Here’s what people have said about it:
‘The CR ministry has made a huge difference, through the openness and honesty of the other CR participants I have learned that it’s not just me – other people, other Christians struggle with stuff too. Simply not feeling unique in my difficulties is incredible!’
‘I am able to share honestly in the group. It has changed my way of thinking. I have found the course to be invaluable.’
A new course begins on April 24th 2024.
Feel free to email Anna anna@wokinghambaptist.org.uk or call 07789118093 for more information.