
#446: tango, charleston, rumba, cha cha cha darling!

I survived the rain and the storms, I’d like to say I was a brave mouse and checked the church to make sure no rain was coming through the roof, but alas, I snuggled down with a blanket and hot coco and watched Strictly Come Dancing. I bet you didn’t know this, but I am a fabulous tap dancer, oh yes. If they ever decide to make a mouse strictly come dancing then I would absolutely win. 10’s all the way!

This Sunday

St Paul’s are celebrating Michael and All Angels at 9.30am, St Nick’s have their Harvest Festival at 11am, and Woosehill have Cafe Church at 10am. There is J Club at St Paul’s for children aged roughly 0-12, as we are back to doing J Club every week.

Harvest at St Paul’s

Apologies for the premature announcement in last weeks Pews News about bringing donations for the Harvest Lunch this week. Please don’t bring anything on 29th, we can’t guarantee it will last until the auction, you know what Bertie’s like! But do please bring donations on 6th October. As we don’t collect food for the Foodbank on Harvest Sunday but proceeds from the Harvest lunch go to our three charities, a tradition has developed where people bring harvest gifts for auction to the congregation. The auction takes place over coffee in the Parish Rooms. Ideal donations might be produce from an allotment, home made cakes or cookies, cans or bottles or mixed parcels of tasty treats of any kind that can be auctioned as a lot. Smaller donations are just as appreciated as larger ones. Thank you!

Harvest Lunch – Sunday 6th October, 12.30pm, at St Paul’s Parish Rooms. We will be serving a selection of yummy hot dishes and fruit crumbles. Adults £12 Children £6 Family £30 – proceeds to be shared between our charities and general church funds. Sign up sheets will be at the back of church. Payment: Online – PCC St. Paul account, Ref: HARVEST, sort code 20-11-74, account no: 80683752 Further information from the Social Committee Chairs: Alan: Trish:

Autumn Bazaar

Following the success of last year’s bazaar, we will be running another one on 9th November this year so please could everyone start hunting out or producing any items that might be useful and saleable.  Liz Gallagher will be organising a Grand Draw and is seeking good quality unwanted gifts etc that would be suitable.  There will also be lists of items in both churches, to fill the first prize of a Hamper, plus various wines from around the world.

If you have any questions, or would like to assist in any way, or if you have brilliant ideas for stalls etc, please let me or Liz know.     Teri Austen

Prayer for the Parish – Saturday 28th September

We will be having a morning of prayer for the Parish, which is to be held at St James Church, Finchampstead on Saturday 28th September. See the attached poster for details, and do please put the date in the diary. If you can only attend for some of it, that’s absolutely fine and please come along for as much as you can. If you can’t go at all that morning, how about setting asided 10 minutes on the Saturday to pause, pray for the parish, for all who are picking up extra duties, care and ministry during the vacancy, and use this prayer?


Almighty God, in this time of vacancy and change for our parish, hold us in your loving care, lead us in the way of your son Jesus Christ, and send your Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us.

Help us to use the gifts and talents you have given to each of us for your glory, to seek your wisdom in prayer before we make decisions, and to encourage, care and pray for each other.

We seek your guidance in the appointment of our new Rector.

We pray for a priest who will value the traditions and ways of worship of St Paul’s, St Nicholas and Woosehill; a priest who can hold us together as a parish and embrace that which makes us unique.

Give wisdom and discernment to those charged with finding our new Rector, help us all to look forward with hope for the priest who will pray with us and for us; a priest who will lead us by example and inspire us with enthusiasm for witness and mission, a priest who will teach and preach the Christian faith and help us to serve you with joy and courage.

Make our hearts ready to welcome, support and love our new priest, and enable us all to work together for the building of your kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord,


A prayer to take away and use each day

O God, our source of love and strength,

in this time of change

encourage our Parish,

guide our leaders

and bless our future,


New hymnbooks

Sufficient new hymnbooks have now arrived and been labelled and put into their jackets to allow us to start using them from Sunday 6th October. Cara will bless the books at the 9.30am Mass. 

It is planned to have another Songs of Praise early in the New Year when we will learn some new hymns as well as sing some favourites. More details nearer the time.

Lesley Ruddock

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