Annual Parochial Church Meeting
The APCM will be held this year in the Parish Rooms on Sunday 28th April 2024 at 5:00pm. All are welcome.
The meeting will cover the activities from the previous year, and will also hold elections for Church Wardens for St Paul’s, Pro-Wardens for St Nick’s, Deputy Wardens for St Paul’s, PCC members, and Deanery Synod members.
The Agenda looks like this:
Annual Meeting of Parishioners
- Apologies for absence
- Acceptance of Minutes of Meeting held on 23 April 2023
- Election of Churchwardens
- Any other business – to be notified to the Secretary by the Sunday prior to the meeting (21 April 2024)
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
- Apologies for absence
- Acceptance of Minutes of meeting held on 23 April 20243
- Matters arising from the Minutes
- Election of Pro-Wardens of St. Nicholas and Deputy Wardens of St Paul’s
- Changes in the Electoral Roll since the last annual meeting
- Election of up to 8 Parochial Church Councillors
- Appointment of Sidespersons