20 x 12 = [240]

Please do look back over the last week of emails to make sure that you’ve not missed anything, especially around the Vaxjo Pilgrimage in June and the Meditation Group which meets on Tuesday afternoon.
Quick fire email today because there is not a huge amount of new stuff to highlight…
Bertie’s cheesy joke of the day
I walked up to the cheese counter in Waitrose last week. I interrupted him and he had to start all over again.
Sunday is a-coming in
You need to let Liz Gallagher know if you would like to go to the 11am Service at St Nick’s- but everything else you can just turn up for (8, 9.30 and 10). The 9.30 and 10 will continue to be Livestreamed even as things open up again.
The Order of Service for the 9.30 is here:
The weather looks really decent for Sunday evening at 6.15pm to sing Easter hymns in the Churchyard at St Paul’s- do please bring a blanket or chair if you would like to.
From Lament to Action
This is a really significant new report in the life of the Church, looking at how to increase representation across the Church, from every racial and ethnic background, and help us to become the rich and varied Church God is calling us to be. Some of the recommendations have been controversial and some of the newspaper coverage has been critical but I am personally convinced that this is a necessary and important document which we all need to engage with because we are not currently enabling everyone to flourish in the way we need to. In a sense, whether we like the recommendations is not the point- the point is that we need to engage, that it’s the conversation and the fresh commitment which matters.
Do please read it (it’s not as long as it looks because there are Appendices and the writing is quite big!) and then do let me know what you think- and then we could have an evening to discuss it if people would like that. Thanks.