#369: Bertie’s Holy Week Bonus Email

Bertie here- I have asked to do a bonus extra email, which is jolly exciting- so here goes…
You should already know the main flow of the Holy Week services from looking at this poster

and also from reading this excellent and informative leaflet
But there also might be other things going on which you might not have noticed yet… so, for example…
We will be cleaning shoes outside the Town Hall from 10.30 to 12.30 on Maundy Thursday as a way of paying homage to footwashing- why not come along and say hello? or even have a quick polish?
And we will be doing Stations of the Cross on Mon, Tues and Wed in St Paul’s at midday, which is always a beautiful and moving time. It lasts abut 45 minutes and if you have never been before then you need to experience it for yourself.
A Compline Service will be released on the Parish Youtube page over the weekend which you can join in with, as a beautiful addition to your keeping of Holy Week.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Parish Breakfast on Easter Day, and to come along to help clean the Church on Holy Saturday from 10- everyone welcome- and also to help in the Churchyard tomorrow morning, if the rain stops- and even if it doesn’t.
And if you know any people under the age of 11 do bring them along or invite them along to the Messy Church event on Good Friday at 10 to 12, starting in the Rooms and continuing in Church. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered for that as well.
So that was my Bertie bonus- over Holy Week it will be nice to see you- to see you…