#396: how can a Rugby World Cup go on as long as this?

My dear friends,
Hello again. I got so involved in the cheese board at Hannah and Dan’s wedding at the weekend that it has taken me all of this time to get back from the far side of Ascot, dodging horses both real and metallic on the way. I had to get home in good time for a rest in order to be ready for the exciting Harvest Weekend which is coming up… on which note…
This Coming Weekend
This weekend is Harvest for St Paul’s and St Nick’s- do please bring along some things to auction (cakes, sweets, fruit, etc) which we will do after the service to raise money for USPG, Soulscape and Home Start. The sermon at St Paul’s will also be given by Soulscape which is going to be very exciting indeed. And then the Harvest Lunch is at 12.30 in the Parish Rooms.
Coming Soon
Richard is running the Royal Parks Half-Marathon on Sunday the 8th of October in the morning. He is raising money for Macmillan Cancer Care0- thank you to everyone who has sponsored him through his JustGiving page.
Hopefully everyone knows by now how poorly the large oak is by the Reading Road- there was a large article about it in Wokingham Today- do please see the separate page on the website for information, and do click on the link at the top of the Homepage if you would like to donate towards the considerable cost of having the tree removed and then planting a new oak.
Don’t forget that Morning Prayer happens every weekday- Tues and Fri at 9 in Church, and Mon, Wed and Thurs at 8.30 on Zoom. It is the friendly and calm way to start the day, an oasis before the busyness starts and company as well.
Meeting ID: 753 2006 4518 Passcode: 024453
Soulscape are hosting a fun evening on Saturday 14th October and would love to see you there.
It promises to be a night of good company, good music and good food!
What’s not to like? And it would be great to catch up with you!
Why not gather a few people and come along.
See all the info, menu and booking details via our website: https://soulscape.org.uk/
There are still places available for the Guided Quiet Day on Saturday 21st October. We are hoping that the day will offer a positive time of peaceful reflection and prayer, and introduce (or refresh or reinforce) some different ways of talking and listening to God.
The Day is being held at St Mary’s, Winnersh, 10:15 to 16:00. Hot drinks will be provided, but please bring your own lunch with you. Donations towards the hire of the building will be requested.
To reserve your place, email mary.cassidy@spauls.org.uk
If you have already sent an email and have not received a confirmation, PLEASE email her again
If someone else you know might like to attend, please pass on the information to them – all welcome (within reasonable numbers!!).
Help Needed
I hope you can put this pattern in Bertie’s newsletter as we could do with a good number making to decorate the hall for the bazaar. Then they can stay there for Remembrance Sunday or be taken over to the church. I think the pattern’s pretty easy but if anyone wants help they can come to Stitch Together on Wednesday 4th October, 4.30 to 6.30. From Jean Vaughan…
Use Double Knit yarn in bright red, then sew a black button to the centre to finish.
Needle size will determine the size of the finished poppy but 3.5 or 3.75mm (UK9) are fine.
Cast on 120 stitches (If you use thumb method you’ll need about 2 metres of yarn before the loop)
Rows 1-4 Knit
Row 5 Knit 3 stitches together across the row (40 stitches)
Rows 6-9 Knit
Row 10 Knit 2 stitches together across the row (20 stitches)
Rows 11-14 Knit
Row 15 Knit 1 stitches across the row (10 stitches)
Cut yarn leaving a tail, thread yarn on a needle and slip through all the remaining stitches, draw up and pull tight. Pull round into a circle and then stitch seam invisibly. Sew in ends.
The Sonning Deanery Prayer Cycle, for the coming month…
And an article to read sent in by Mary Cassidy…
gentle reflection around the Wedding at Cana
Lucky Winners of Lucky Numbers
The Lucky Numbers draw for September took place over coffee after the 9.20 Mass at St Paul’s on Sunday 24th September
Congratulations to the lucky winners:
£50 # 70 Margaret DAVIES
£25 # 69 Tony and Pam ROBERTS
£15 # 3 Margaret CARVER
£10 # 20 Vince and Lorraine PEARSON
The Lucky Numbers Draw raises funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. Funds remaining after the distribution of the prizes go to the Restoration Fund for this purpose.
One share (number) costs £24 per calendar year; you can have as many shares as you wish, paying annually or monthly by Standing Order. For more information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or talk to Mary at St Paul’s, or Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’. New subscribers will be actively sought for the calendar year 2024!