
#440 – In which Bertie shows off his medal

Well friends, it’s finally happened, my incredible talents have been recognised and I have duly been awarded my gold medal. About time too, though I am trying to be more gracious, as befitting a mouse of my stature. I’m not entirely sure which of my many skills has earnt me this most recent medal, and there are miltiple skills to choose from. Was it for being an official Olympic Mouse Mascot? For my tremendous cheese rolling? Perhaps someone spied me quietly yet perfectly having a go at speed climbing…that one was an easy win, I just pretended there was a cat after me and up a went, all guns blazing, faster than light. For sheer tenancity? I guess we’ll never know, all I can say is that I am extremely greatful and most humbly accept, for God, for King, for country. Also, you’re welcome.

Who wishes to tell Bertie that he may indeed have received a bronze, and not gold medal? Not me, that’s for sure, though I will tell you all this weeks service news and things to put in your diary!

This Week

On Sunday we have services at St Paul’s with 8am BCP communion, and 9.30am Parish Mass. Or we have 10am at Woosehill and 11am at St Nick’s. A reminder that during August there is no robed choir at St Paul’s, neither is there J Club. Though please do still come with your families, there are always activity sheets ready at the back of church and you can always play ‘spot the choir member in the pews’ during the hymns.

Coming Up…


There will be a morning of prayer for the parish and the appointment of the new rector on Saturday 28th September at St James Finchampstead. Details to follow soon, but please do keep that morning free

Organ Recital

Thanks to all those who have sponsored Christopher Cipkin to play their favourite organ pieces in the next and final recital of the current series. Don’t miss what promises to be a fantastic musical treat at St Paul’s on Sunday 18 August at 6.15pm. Admission free, with retiring collection in aid of the organ restoration fund, and interval refreshments.

A new class starting in September:

SimplyFit Berkshire – SIT Fit Exercise Classes

Weekly 11/09/2024
11:45 – 12:45

A combination of seated and standing exercises designed to improve fitness, strength, stamina, and balance. Suitable for Older Adults and those returning to exercise from illness or injury. Taught by Level 3 Pilates Instructors. Visit and click on ‘Courses’ to find out more.

And also this new Art Workshop at the Parish Rooms, with an apology for not including the poster last week.


For those who are newer to the parish and may not know, we entered into a Twinning Link with the Parish of Mariakyrkan in Växjö (Sweden) in 2015. It has been a rich blessing over the years, with people from Växjö coming here to visit, and vice versa. Since lockdown, the relationship is still there but has been less prominent for both churches, and it’s a link that we are keen to maintain. The Diocese of Oxford works closely with the Diocese of Växjö, curates have the opportunity to go to Sweden and visit for example. One thing that is being organised for September is a joint online service to pray together and celebrate Creationtide. The details are below, including the sign up link, so do please join if you can. As a helpful extra, Växjö is pronounced Vek – qwa.

Creationtide service with the Diocese of Växjö
To celebrate this year’s Season of Creation, we will be hosting a joint service between the Dioceses of Växjö and Oxford. The service will take place online on 11 September at 6.30pm UK time, 7.30pm Swedish time, with contributions from Bishop Olivia and Bishop Fredrik. Everyone is welcome to this time of worship, prayer and reflection for creation. 


Wokingham Arts Trail

Cedar Tree News

As some of you will know, we have been concerned for some time about the health of the big cedar tree in the front of the churchyard, which is leaning towards the church and has a large split in its stem. The tree was surveyed ten years ago and bracing works were carried out at that time in order to extend its life for about 10 years. 

Earlier this year the PCC obtained a report from Tree Surveys Limited which advised that the tree was not in a safe condition and should be removed as soon as possible. Sadly there is no realistic possibility of extending the life of the tree further.  

Contractors have been appointed to fell the tree and the work is to be done on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd August. We decided to get the job done during the school holidays to keep disruption of traffic to a minimum. A heavy crane will be employed, which means that the Reading Road will be closed between Holt Lane and Station Approach on the 22nd and for part of the 23rd. 

The Wokingham Society have offered us a generous grant of £5000 towards the cost of removing the tree (which is around £13,000), on the condition that a replacement tree is planted.   

David Ruddock 

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