
Rain. Sun. Rain. Sun. Wind. So confusing to be a weather forecaster at the moment. [244]

Mayor Making last week- PIC BY STEWART TURKINGTON

Bertie here, your favourite Churchmouse. ( I can safely say that because you’re all too polite and lovely to correct me if I’m actually not). It has been a very exciting week in the life of Church because it was announced yesterday that Richard is being made an Honorary Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford in June- nothing changes in terms of the day job and there is no pay rise but it it a form of recognition from the Church for services beyond the call of the pattern of work, like a Mention in Despatches. Thank you to everyone who has sent a message to Richard about it- and more details to follow in due course.

Honours for services to the Church (

I wonder if I can call myself Canon Bertie as well, since I did a lot of the hard work which is being recognised here? I shall ask. It seems only fair.

Important Notices

There are still some fraudulent emails claiming to come from Richard which are going around- always check the address of the sender (often it is random and clearly wrong) and remember that no member of the Staff Team would ever ask you to buy a voucher for them on the internet. They just wouldn’t and want. Please be careful.

Morning Prayer will be happening as usual this week- Mon and Thurs on Zoom and 8.30am and Tues and Fri in Church at 9am-but won’t happen on Bank Holiday Monday, the 31st. And don’t forget Deanery Compline at 8.30pm on a Wednesday.

A huge thank you to the sidespeople at all three Churches for your hard work and welcome. It has been an essential part of reopening Churches for worship. And if you think you could help welcome people and seat them, and then help tidy up at the end, please do let a Warden or Steward or a member of the clergy now because it would be good to have a few more people on the list.

We are always looking for new people to stand (or to stand again) for Church Council/ PCC. We need people from all backgrounds to make sure we are leading the Church as well as possible, whether you have been in the parish for 6 months or 60 years. Again, speak to a member of the Clergy or a Warden if you would like to know more. Here is a summary of the job

Do please keep in mind the stuff about listening to God which was a major part of email 243- we really need to get this right together. Mary has sent this article in which builds on some of the things we have been exploring together:

And a message from Andy Clark, the Churchyard Manager, which will appeal to gardeners everywhere: “I wondered if you would like to advertise compost in the daily missive.  It is a churchyard product and is quite good compost.  Anyone can bring bags and a spade and take from the 2nd bin nearest the church next to the cedar and adjacent to the railway. Once it is gone we wait for the next bin to be ready!”

This edition of the Woosehill Magazine is brilliant and has a very clear heart for the journey the Church family at Woosehill are going on at the moment. It will be of interest to people from the whole parish, partly because we can pray for that process, and partly because seeing how one Church is engaging with the journey out of lockdown will help the others on their own separate but parallel travels.

The four May Lucky Numbers winning numbers were selected at random by the Lamey family  on 18th May. The lucky winners:

£50   No 9 Christine Field

£25   No 38 Judi Hattaway

£15   No 77 Jo Gulliford

£10   No 52 Roy & Beth Holmes

The promoters trust that all our subscribers remain safe, well and cheerful in the unusual circumstances imposed on us at present. The Draw is a simple way of raising funds for repairs and renewals to the church building. One share (number) costs £24 per year and the draw takes place monthly (either at St Nicholas’s or St Paul’s) for prizes of £50, £25, £15 and £10. All remaining funds go to the Restoration Fund. If you would like to subscribe, or want further information, please contact Tony Roberts (979 5351), Liz Gallagher (989 1176) or Mary Cassidy (979 5096) – or in person at church (Mary at St Paul’s, Tony or Liz at St Nicholas’).

St Paul’s Junior School are having an appeal to raise money for the India Covid Appeal… As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we are holding a non-uniform day on Friday in support of the DEC Coronavirus India Appeal.  A JustGiving page has been set up to collect any donations rather than collecting money at the school gates.  If you would like to donate, please use the link to go directly to our fundraising page – JustGiving will send your donation straight to Disasters Emergency Committee.

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