#418: The day everyone was glued to the budget
Things to do and respond to now
a) OFSTED are in St Paul’s Juniors today and tomorrow- please do pray for all those involved and for an outcome which is a true reflection of the commitment and skill of the school’s leadership, staff and children,
b) If you keep meaning to think about your giving to the Church then there is no better moment than the present one!
c) If you are new to the Church, or newish, then (as well as thinking about giving and joining the Electoral Roll to elect our Wardens and PCC Members) also talk to Louise in the Office about our Tithings Groups, which are the first line of pastoral support and friendship in the life of the Church. And if your Group hasn’t met for a while, why not arrange a meeting together to celebrate Easter?
And here is the Electoral Roll notice again…
Electoral Roll
A revision of the Electoral Roll is due before the APCM this year, commencing from 3rd March 2024 until 31st March 2024, all applications to be received between these dates. If you reside in the parish or are a regular attendee at church you are eligible to apply for admission to the Roll. Application forms may be obtained from the sides persons, the Parish Office or the undersigned.
Anyone wishing to take an official post within the church, such as sidesperson, must have his or her name on the Electoral Roll. Likewise, anyone wishing to stand for election to the PCC or Deanery Synod must have had his or her name on the Roll for at least six months prior to the election and be an ‘actual communicant’ (Rule 54i of the Church Representation Rules).
If you already have your name on the Electoral Roll, you do not need to apply afresh this year but, if your details have changed, please fill in a new application form. Teri Austen
d) If you have not been confirmed yet and would like to find out more, please speak to Richard soon. Thanks. Bishop Olivia is coming to confirm on Sunday the 19th of May at 6.15pm.
This coming weekend
Please don’t forget the Organ Concert on Saturday morning (11.30) followed by the Parish Lent Lunch (12.30).
Then, on Sunday, we keep Mothering Sunday at 9.30 at St Paul’s. There will be a Cake Sale afterwards for Church funds- do please bring along a cake if you would like to to add to the groaning shelf of biscuits Erin and Esther are baking and honestly not eating that many of- they are really just testing them to make sure they are of the requisite quality and texture… (There is an 8am but no service at St Nick’s because we all worship as one family on Mothering Sunday). You can also join in through the Livestream, as usual.
Key Holy Week services, which everyone should absolutely try to be there for…
Other News and Notifications
Mothers’ Union
The Mothers’ Union is meeting this week in the Carpenter Room at 12.30pm on Thursday 7th March. This is principally a social gathering and all are warmly invited to join us. Bring along your lunch, a sandwich etc and we will provide tea, coffee and biscuits. Please contact me if you would like to know more on teri@theaustens.uk
Plant Sale
There will be a Coffee Morning on Saturday 18th May for Christian Aid. I will be running a plant stall at the event, so I should be very grateful if you would put a few extra seeds in your sowing tray or pot up a piece of your perennials when you divide them in the spring and let me have the spares. I am happy to collect beforehand, or you might prefer to bring them along on the day when you come to support the coffee morning. Thank you. Teri Austen PS- if anyone would like to help with the book stall please let Richard know- I have one enthusiastic volunteer but it is always good to work in a team.
AB Walker are hosting their next Memorial Service on the 21st of April in Reading and everyone is welcome.
Learning Disability Week is in June and it is a good moment to look ahead to that and get ready…
Learning Disability Week 2024 | Mencap
The latest update from our friend in Madagascar, Bishop Hall…
And finally, Mary Cassidy has sent in these notes of comments made at the Quiet Day at the Parish Centre at St James’, Finchampstead…
Bertie, I trust you were awake and listening to the Reflections today at St James – I don’t recall seeing you there, but I am sure you wouldn’t have missed the ginger cake and various biscuits that were being munched during the day!
To add to anything else you were planning to report I thought I’d let you have this:
You may have had a good look at the flip chart where people shared ideas of things they find helpful in finding stillness, but, in case you missed them, I thought you might like to share some in the next parish email … Becky Medlicott set us off with pointing out how important it is to be intentional about finding time to be still with God (ie put a time in your diary!) and that it is helpful to have a regular spot to go to for those quiet times.
Others added more ideas:
- That lovely hymn Be still in the presence of the Lord
- Taking time out from life
- Beach, sun. sound of the waves
- Being outdoors
- Walking in a garden, watching sheep graze
- Imagining Taizé chanting of Wait for the Lord whose day is near ..
- Music without words associated (which can distract)
- Sound of birds
And someone offered an excellent quote from Ecclesiastes 4:6
“Better one handful with tranquillity
than two handfuls with toil
and chasing after the wind.” (NIV)